COVID-19 Protocol | Prevention Procedures
Effective June 16, 2020
Updated April 01,2021
Please note that Signs Alive Inc. is open and continuing to offer signage to a wide variety of clientele. During this pandemic, we have put in place every precaution to ensure the safety of everyone involved in our day-to-day business, including both staff and clients. At times, we have limited the amount of personnel working in the office, with some personnel working remotely.
The standard protocol for Signs Alive Inc. is to maintain the health and safety of all persons involved. This company policy includes the measures we are actively taking to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. We have enforced a set of procedures, duties and responsibilities for all employees to adhere to. Signs Alive Inc. has worked to create a COVID-19 protocol that will minimize exposure and the spread of germs.
Please see below for our full COVID-19 protocol.
This COVID-19 policy applies to all of our employees who physically work in our office and the production floor. We recommend that all working personnel read through this action plan to ensure that we collectively and uniformly respond to this challenge.
Here, we outline the required actions employees should take to protect themselves and their co-workers from a potential COVID-19 infection.
General Hygiene Rules & Practices:
- Bathrooms/hand washing stations are located on site. Clean your hands with soap and water (minimum 20-second hand wash rule) during the work shift – upon entry to building, before you eat, after using the restrooms, after you cough/sneeze, and whenever possible during work shift.
- Regularly clean and disinfect commonly shared surfaces, tools and vehicles before and after personal use.
- Practice social distancing. Remain 6 feet/2 meters apart at all times. Do not shake hands and avoid any form of physical contact.
- All members of the public and staff are required to wear a mask in public office areas or any time other individuals are within the recommended social distancing guidelines during your work day.
- Visitors are required to wear a mask in order to gain entry to Signs Alive Inc. Please see full Mandatory Mask Policy outlined by Signs Alive, created in compliance with The Regional Municipality of Halton By-law 47-20.
- Do not share food, drinks, cigarettes… etc.
- Avoid touching your face, eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands (ie. smoking, drinking, eating, etc.)
- Follow good respiratory etiquette. Cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue or crease of your elbow when sneezing/coughing.
- If you find yourself coughing/sneezing on a regular basis, avoid all close physical contact with your coworkers and take extra precautionary measures (such as requesting a sick leave).
Wearing of Non-Medical Masks:
In compliance with temporary By-laws from both the Town of Oakville and Halton Region, as of July 22, 2020 it is mandatory that every person five (5) years old or older (which includes, but is not limited to, owners, operators, employees, workers, visitors, patrons, and customers) must wear a Non-Medical Mask or Face Covering upon entering and remaining within Signs Alive Inc at 2284 Speers Road in Oakville, ON or when recommended social distancing guidelines cannot be followed.
- A non-medical mask/face covering must cover a person’s mouth, nose and chin. This is in accordance with The Regional Municipality of Halton By-law 47-20.
- Signs Alive staff members are required to wear a mask when entering an interior office space to meet with a client, conduct an interior building site visit or complete an installation.
- Signs Alive staff must wear a mask when other individuals are within the recommended social distancing guidelines. This includes during any interaction with other persons, both inside or outside, such as exterior site checks, exterior installations or outside meetings where other individuals are present.
- All visitors are required to wear a mask to gain entry to the building at 2284 Speers Rd, through either the front or side door. No customer or member of the public is permitted entry to, or may remain within, Signs Alive’s interior office unless the member of public is wearing a non-medical mask or face covering, that covers their mouth, nose and chin.
- Please see full Mandatory Mask Policy outlined by Signs Alive, created in compliance with The Regional Municipality of Halton By-law 47-20. Note mask exclusions in full policy.
Travelling/Commuting Measures:
In-person meetings should be done virtually, when possible, especially with non-company parties.
- Those travelling by public transportation must take precautions while travelling. Practice social distancing and follow hygiene rules while commuting, as per above.
- Company vehicles are limited to one or two persons only. For vehicle with two persons, not living in the same household, separation devises must be present between employees. Open windows for ventilation when able.
- If you or a family member living in your home, plans to travel voluntarily to a high-risk country with increased COVID-19 cases (based on official announcements), Signs Alive Inc. will ask you to you to work from home, if able. You will be asked not to come into physical contact with any colleagues during this time. You’ll only be permitted to return to office 14 calendar days after your return, provided that you’re asymptomatic or you have a negative test result confirming you don’t have the virus.
Health Verification of Workers:
- Confirm through discussions the health status of all Signs Alive Inc. employees and workers on site.
- Monitor for updates of workers health status.
- If any symptoms exist or if you’re unsure if you should self-isolate, please use the Ontario Self-Assessment Tool:
Preventative Measures:
- Non-essential work travel will be suspended.
- Equipment limited to one designated operator, where applicable.
- Operators must routinely clean and disinfect commonly touched items –buttons, phones, door handles, etc.
- Complete daily COVID-19 health questionnaire upon entry to building. This includes conducting a temperature scan and noting temperature in appropriate box.
- Wash your hands directly after entering Signs Alive building.
COVID-19 Health Questionnaire:
In effect as of Tuesday, October 14th, 2020.
PURPOSE: To help protect against the spread of COVID-19, Signs Alive requests that you complete the Health Questionnaire regarding potential exposure to COVID-19. If warranted, in accordance with guidance issued by the applicable public health authority in your jurisdiction, you may be asked to self-quarantine for a temporary period.
- Questionnaire must be completed by all employees and short-term visitors every day upon entry into building.
- Must include an accurate temperature check conducted by another employee.
- As a workplace health and safety measure, if you decline to respond to the questionnaire, you will not be permitted to return to work or enter the Signs Alive building or company vehicles.
- Avoid passing each other on the stairs. Wait on landing until person has vacated the stairs.
Offices & Production Floor Regulations:
- One visitor permitted inside building at a time. Must maintain social distancing, wear a mask and remain in entrance area (unless told otherwise).
- Workers on production floor are to remain on floor, while workers in office must remain in these office spaces. One person is permitted to cross floors at a time while maintaining the social distance requirements.
- Avoid sharing keyboards, mouses, pens, clipboards, measuring tapes, and staplers.
- Disinfect commonly touched items, such as: door handles, debit machine, mail box, etc.
- Routinely disinfect the tables and desk tops.
- Post signage to remind workers to wash hands, disinfect surfaces and routinely practice social distancing.
- Avoid sharing tools or equipment, unless necessary.
- If you have to share equipment, clean and disinfect points of contact.
Example: on a shared extended work platform, before use, wipe down controls, gate, guardrails and any other parts touched by hands. - If worker is performing hot work activities do not use sanitizer prior to start of work.
Wearing Gloves:
- Do not touch your face, eyes or mouth.
- Make sure that hands are washed thoroughly or disinfected with hand sanitizer as soon as possible after gloves are removed.
- Change gloves regularly, do not wear gloves that have been worn outside, into the building.
- If any symptoms exist or if you’re unsure if you should self-isolate, please use the Ontario Self-Assessment Tool: